Photo by J Elizabeth Photography
I need your help. I ask you to take a moment to read this because it's extremely hard for me to admit and write.
For the last week or so I have been struggling. Work has been making me feel overwhelmed. I've been having not good day after not the best day and my anxiety has been saying hello at least once a day. I realized I was struggling when my best friend called to ask about my day and I told her I just wanted to cry, but couldn't find the strength to break down. I started to evaluate my emotions and plan my days out to try and get my momentum back but my concentration for work was shot and I was doing all that I could to get my to-do list on track.
I have been working my ass off my entire life and it's what I do best. I put my entire being into things that I am passionate about and it's one of my favorite things about me. Which is why no matter what is going on my clients always get their photos on time and I always show up:)
A few months back I gave my all to creating a video for my Dad. I didn't know what else to do. How else could I fix this? My heart was breaking already with the thought of losing him. How could I even imagine what he is going through? Or how my Mom must feel? What about my sister? How could she not have him be there for her in every milestone in her life? Who else would tease her to the point we all laugh until we can’t breathe. We created the video. It took a lot of work by Dane and it’s incredible the story he tells. Because it feels like us. It’s our story.
The constant struggle for me was not knowing what I could do? If I could do anything? I am crying now as I write this. I have to ask for help but normally I do everything on my own. I asked for help and lucky for me a lot of people were willing to help. I knew going into making the video that we had one shot to share it. One big boost was all we could hope for. Because that’s how social media works. We get one chance to make a viral video. Our video is long though. Our story is more than 60 seconds. Our story requires people to take 5 minutes from their busy day to get to know my Dad.
Was I really asking for too much?
My Dad wants to help as many people as we can. That’s always been his goal. All I wanted was to reach as many people as possible as quickly as possible. I had to take a break from helping keep the momentum of his video. It was a hard choice for me but searching for a kidney is a group effort and I felt like I couldn’t offer much help during one of the busier seasons of my work. So for the last few weeks Ive been putting my everything into my business. Trying to crush it and maintain some sort of balance in my life. Until last Monday. My day just wouldn’t cooperate with me and I couldn’t figure out why. I told Sam I wanted to cry, she gave me permission to do so but I just couldn’t find the strength to break down.
Until I got a message from a client. It was hopeful and encouraging and reminded me that there is so much good in this world that it’s ok to be realistic with a side of optimism. It showed me that even though I felt as if I wasn’t doing enough on my own that other people were out there talking about my Dad and telling others about the impact that our video has made.
The tears came and have been hanging around for a few days. Unsure of what I should do next, I called my Dad to check in today and he informed me that his kidney function had dropped and that he has a meeting with his doctor and is closer to being put on dialysis. We really don’t want to go down this path as it could make it harder for him going forward. As he tells me about this, he then tells me in a strangely uplifting and adamant tone that he’s ordered magnets for his car. He tells me what they will say and that it will include the National Registry information big and bold. He tells me that his info will be there too, but smaller. Even now, when his results aren’t any better he is still trying to help others before himself. I don’t know how to convince everyone that he’s worth keeping around as long as possible because everyone benefits from his kindness and selflessness.
So here is where I need your help. I have tried to keep my FB and Social media pages clear from the posts asking for help all day every day. This is bigger than us and has the chance to be EVERYTHING to somebody.
If you could take a few minutes and watch our video that is what I am asking. So many people share it and we appreciate every share, but if you could watch it first, then you might want to write a little something or share it on your page. If you feel like you want to do more, contact the news stations or send it to your boss. I know that it will be hard to get momentum like we did the first time but our story still resonates with people and we can help so many by telling it.
If you have made it this far, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading along. Next, I want to thank you for watching this video. If you are wanting to know more about how you can help here’s a list of things you can do right now.
• See if you are a match / Donate a kidney: Contact Julie [email protected] 404.605.2950
• SHARE this video on your page and on other people’s pages. (post to news outlets)
(this works best if you write a little caption and of course make sure your post is public)
• Donate
• Talk about Organ Donation and being a LIVING donor with everyone.
If you need more ideas or want to know how else you can help those in need please let us know. There are many programs and tasks we can set you up with.
Thank you again.
Hope and love,
My Parents' Love through my lens.
Photo by J Elizabeth Photography www.jelizabethphotos.comPhoto by J Elizabeth Photography www.jelizabethphotos.comPhoto by J Elizabeth Photography www.jelizabethphotos.comPhoto by J Elizabeth Photography www.jelizabethphotos.comPhoto by J Elizabeth Photography www.jelizabethphotos.comPhoto by J Elizabeth Photography www.jelizabethphotos.comPhoto by J Elizabeth Photography Share our story on Facebook: HERE
Can you try to reach out to his graduating high school class to see if any of them could be donors? Very sweet video.
Nancy Bradshaw(non-registered)
I have met Guy through my husband's work. He is a wonderful sweet person. My prayers is for a kidney for him. Pray for this family and pray with me for a donor
Courtney Beebe(non-registered)
Very well said Jenna. Life is so precious and gets so overwhelming. I hope your family finds the hope and peace they need and a match will be found ❤️