Oh hey there! This page is all about ME. Here is your chance to get to know me without even following my Instagram or Snapchat. This is actually one of the hardest things for me to write. So, like I do in every other aspect of my life, I'm going to be 100% me and so beautifully honest and open. Get ready. Lots of photos and rambling ahead:)
I love, love, love taking photos of other people. It's sort of my jam. I have my very own special way to make everyone feel great when getting their photos taken. We laugh, I climb on things, I show people how I want them to stand-because I'm sometimes bad at making words happen. End-result. Sweet photos. As you can see in the photos above, I occasionally get in front of the camera too. I try to get my photos taken a few times a year. I was originally going to try for every new hair color that my incredible hair stylist tries out on me, but that changes a bit too often. Here below you can see me in action. I will do whatever is needed to get "the shot"
Random things I've been a part of here below, including a photo of a photographer taking a photo of a photographer... SO meta.
Have you ever had someone that you work with make your day so much more fun and productive while working? I have that person, if she ever moves away or stops working with me I will be crushed (while supporting her in every thing she ever does, but still crushed) Meet Sara! (no H ) She is my dream team partner. She always knows when and where to be on a wedding day all the while remembering to get me a snack and keep people in line:) She's responsible of so many of the behind the scenes photos that I have, good and bad. She also has a killer photobooth company that you should hire just because it's awesome and super fun. www.sarassocialbooth.com
The rest of my life is filled with my incredible family, (see photo directly below) and friends that are constantly supporting my dreams and encouraging me to do big things. If you ask people about me, you'll find out that I am always 100% me. I am honest, blunt, hard-working, loyal, hilarious, and full of energy that some people call "running at a 10" all of the time. It's so hard to write about myself and explain why someone should hire me to take photos of them, but the best way I think is to show you ME. I never miss an opportunity to take a photo or be in a photo. I take selfies with or without makeup, with people I've known for years or just met at the airport. I encourage people to take more photos on their phones and always back them up. I want everyone to look back and look through photos and be so happy that they were IN the photos too, and not just taking them. When you look through the photos below you will see a lot of different faces, you'll see the Mayor of St Louis ( he loves my selfies). You'll see clients, friends, family, ELEPHANTS-- I got to meet elephants for my birthday and COULD> NOT> EVEN> HANDLE> IT!! Life is an adventure, I am capturing my adventure every day and want to be able to capture yours too. I am so thrilled to be a part of everyone's adventure, even if it's simply an hour session, I know that it will be fun and different than anything else I've done.
To answer the question everyone asks... HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN THIS LIFE AND LEVEL OF CRAZINESS? The answer is: Jenna's Wellness Entourage. Listed below are my favorite people/places/businesses that keep me sane, healthy, happy and help make every day an adventure!
Dr Matt Smith- CHIROPRACTOR www.thrive4lifenow.com
Emily Struckhoff - Hair Stylist www.thehairlabstl.com
Mandy Griffin- Massage Therapist www.remedymassagestudio.com
Sweet Art Bakery- Cupcakes- Red Velvet- www.sweetartstl.com
Float StL - everyone needs to do this- www.floatingstl.com
Decaf Coffee (yes decaf) Rise Coffee House & Mudhouse
PS. if you have cupcakes at your wedding I WILL eat one. I wont eat them all, but it's basically scientific fact that I will eat a cupcake if it's anywhere near me. Especially Red Velvet.